19 August 2005

thoughts inside a tent

in the moments
before sleep
i consider
to music
on my headphones

i want my thoughts
the prelude to my dreams
to lie flat
to be clear
like the melody
of a popular song

but i lie still
and open my eyes
the tent quivers
a cough carries
from a neighbour
a possum rummages
through the rubbish
and a cooking pot clinks

the tent shakes
the floor balloons
the walls inflate
then subside
into stillness

way over
across the river
on the other side
of the valley
the tea trees
sing their swaying
and i picture them
rippling like seaweed
moved my an unseen hand

my thoughts fly
as the tent shudders
trees whoosh overhead
the fabric creaks and strains
a gumnut falls
and lands
like a single drop of water
on the taut skin
of my shelter

the wind calms
and my thoughts go to home
this is the last night of my camp
will they understand my experience
will i be able to explain it
will i forget what i have learnt
or will i remember
one day
when the wind moves the trees
and makes music
for my thoughts


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